I really like the slim and slender look of this wallet. It’s a front pocket wallet which has actually been a blessing for me.
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I used to carry a big wallet, and when I say big, I mean hamburger big. To make matters worse, I would carry it in my back pocket. I would often have back aches, but could never figure out why. I went to see a chiropractor, he asked me a bunch of questions, poked and prodded, and he told me my alignment was off. He suggested that it might be caused by my seating posture. He indicated that it could be the result of something as simple as consistently sitting on my wallet. At first I did not believe him. I decided to do a little research of my own, and it happens to be a thing, it’s known as “fat Wallet syndrome”…go figure. Anyhow, on my birthday I decided to splurge and treat myself. I picked up a Metropolitan, I started wearing it in my front pocket, and suddenly my back issues were gone. I don’t know what to say, but I’m certainly glad I made that purchase.